Today the capital of the Republic of Belarus, there has been a Jewish presence in Minsk since
the 15th century. Formerly a part of Lithuania and Poland, the region then
known as Byelorussia
was seized by Russia in the 18th century following the three partitions of Poland. During
WW1 Byelorussia was the scene of fierce fighting between Germany and Russia and after
the war became an area of violent conflict between the Soviet Union and Poland. Following the
cessation of those hostilities in
, Byelorussia was divided, with the
Western area becoming
part of Poland. The Eastern area became a republic of the Soviet Union with Minsk as its capital.
During the
, Minsk had become one of the
largest and most important Jewish communities in Russia. The
revealed a Jewish population of 53,700, or 40.8% of the inhabitants of the city, although Jews
represented only 8.2% of the population of Byelorussia as a whole.
and the outbreak of hostilities between Germany and the Soviet Union, the
Jewish population of Minsk has been estimated to have risen to 90,000. The increase was largely
as a consequence of the arrival of those fleeing eastwards following the German occupation of
Poland in
. The city fell to the German invaders on
Within hours of the
German occupation, 40,000 men and boys between the ages of fifteen and forty-five were assembled
for "registration", under penalty of death; they were Jews, Soviet POWs and non-Jewish
civilians. For four days they were kept in a field, surrounded by machine guns and floodlights.
On the fifth day, all Jewish members of the intelligentsia were ordered to step forward.
2,000 men did so, believing that the group was to be granted some privileged position. They were
promptly marched off to a nearby wood and shot: it was a foretaste of things to come. On 8 July,
the Germans killed 100 Jews, and thereafter the murder of Jews by the Germans, singly or in groups,
became a daily event.
). The occupied territories were divided into two regions, each with its governor
). The
was administered. After his assassination in
. Minsk was part of the region to be decimated,
in the main, by
(Criminal Police).
was assisted by police battalions and auxiliaries enlisted from
the local population, the Baltic States and the Ukraine. Through "Enigma" intercepts of German police
messages, knowledge of the killings in the East of both Jews and Russian POWs had become known in England
as early as
The Judenrat Building * |
Judenrat was formed by the simple expedient of seizing ten men off of the street.
Eliyahu Myshkin,
the former vice-director of the Ministry of Commercial Trade, was appointed as its head. The first
duty of the
Judenrat was to register the entire Jewish population. This was completed by
15 July 1941.
With effect from that date, Jews were required to wear a yellow badge on their chest and back, as well
as a white patch on their chest bearing their house number. The ghetto in Minsk was established on
20 July 1941. Jews were brought to the ghetto from
Dzerzhinsk (Koidanovo), Cherven, and
other localities in the vicinity of Minsk. The ghetto consisted of 34 streets and lanes, including
Perekopskaia, Kolkhoznaia, Nemiga, Shornaia, Kollektornaia, Respublikanskaia,
Obuvnaia and
Streets and
Kolkhoznyi, Mebel'nyi and
Vtoroi Opanskii lanes, as well as
Square and the Jewish
cemetery. Jewish men and women who had married non-Jews were also taken to the ghetto, as were their
children. In all, the ghetto population eventually climbed to 100,000. The ghetto was surrounded by
thick rows of barbed wire. Watchtowers were erected and round-the-clock surveillance was established.
A living space of 1.5 square meters was allotted for each person, with none for children. Thousands
lived among the ruins of destroyed or gutted houses without floors or windows. A curfew was in force
from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. As in all ghettos in the German occupied territories, because of overcrowding
and unhygienic living conditions, diseases were rampant. Official food supplies were below subsistence
level. All men in the ghetto were registered for work duty and a labour camp was set up on
Shirokaya Street, where Soviet POWs accused of offences as well as Jews
were sent. This camp also came to be used
as a transit camp for those destined for liquidation. Amongst a multitude of atrocities, on
21 July a group of 45 Jews were roped together and ordered to be buried alive by
30 Russian prisoners. The Russians refused; all 75 captives were shot.
Himmler visiting a POW Camp * |
As a result of "actions" on
14, 26 and 31 August 1941, about 5,000 Jews were rounded up
and "disappeared". They had been taken, not for labour, but for execution. On
15 August,
Heinrich Himmler himself visited Minsk and asked to witness the
shooting of 100 Jews, a sight that nauseated him.
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski,
the "Higher SS- and Police Leader Russia Centre", who was present, pointed out to
Himmler that he had watched the execution of "only" 100. Daily, the
men of the
Einsatzgruppe were shooting thousands. The strain was too great. A more "humane" method must
be found - not for the benefit of the victims, but for that of the perpetrators.
Himmler clearly took note of
comments. Later that same day a visit to a mental asylum was arranged. Having ordered the immediate murder of
the inmates,
Himmler asked
Nebe to
consider alternative killing methods less stressful than shooting.
arranged for dynamite to be used to kill the patients in two bunkers in a forest outside Minsk,
with disastrous results. But from
Himmler’s visit, the idea of using
poison gas arose.
A few days after the experiment with dynamite,
Nebe and
Albert Widmann of the
Kriminaltechnisches Institut
(Criminal Police Technological Institute) tried out another killing method in
The exhaust fumes from two cars were introduced into a sealed room in which 20 - 30 mental patients
had been placed. Within a few minutes, carbon monoxide gas killed all of them.
This process was not entirely new; the use of bottled carbon monoxide gas to murder the physically and
mentally disabled under the auspices of the T4 programme had been in place in the
Reich since
October 1939. A mobile version under the command of
Herbert Lange, in effect a gas chamber on wheels, had been in operation
in Western Poland since about the same time. But providing large quantities of bottled carbon monoxide presented
problems. It was both expensive and cumbersome.
Nebe came up with the idea of combining the two processes, thus
creating the self-sufficient
gassing van, in which the exhaust fumes of the
van’s engine were re-directed into the sealed rear compartment of the vehicle. He discussed the technical aspects with
Walter Hess of the
Kriminaltechnisches Institut. The idea was placed
Reinhardt Heydrich, who accepted it.
At about the same time
Walter Rauff, in charge of technical matters
as head of department IID of the
Reichssicherheitshauptamt - Reich Security
Main Office), summoned
Friedrich Pradel, head of the transportation service.
Rauff instructed
Pradel to
investigate the possibilities of adapting heavy trucks for gassing purposes. From these various deliberations
three types of vans were designed for mass killing; the small
Diamond and
Opel Blitz, which had a
capacity of 80 - 100 persons, and the larger
Magirus or
Saurer, into which 150 people could be packed.
A Transport from Vienna * |
Towards the
end of the summer of 1941,
Adolf Eichmann was summoned to a meeting with
Heydrich and informed that
Himmler had received an order from
for the physical annihilation of the Jews.
With effect from
15 September 1941, all German Jews over the age of 6 were
ordered to wear the
yellow Star of David. On
23 October,
Müller, the
head of the
Gestapo, issued a decree authorised by
Himmler prohibiting
the emigration of Jews from countries under German control.
These two decrees are considered by many historians to be significant evidence that the decision
to implement the "Final Solution" had been taken. On
8 November
Lohse that 25,000 Jews from Germany, Austria and the
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia were to be deported to Minsk.
In order to make room for them in the ghetto, 12,000 Jews had been slaughtered near the village of
Tuchinki on
7 November. Three days later the first
1,000 German Jews from
Hamburg arrived in Minsk,
to be followed within days by more than 6,000 deportees from
Frankfurt am Main,
Bremen and the
Rheinland. On
18 November
a train arrived from
Berlin. Subsequent transports brought Jews from
Vienna, Brno and other cities in the
Reich and the Protectorate.
On arrival in Minsk many of the
deportees were taken to nearby woods and shot. The remainder were housed in a separate ghetto known
Ghetto Hamburg, which adjoined the main Minsk ghetto. Above the entrance to this separate ghetto
was a sign:
Sonderghetto (Special Ghetto). Every night the
Gestapo would murder 70-80 of the new
arrivals. The ghetto of the
Reich Jews was divided into five sections, according to the places from
which they came:
Hamburg, Berlin, the Rheinland, Bremen and
There was little contact between the main Minsk Ghetto and the
Reich Ghetto.
The Jews from the
Reich were to be killed in the major "actions" of
28-31 July 1942,
8 March 1943,
and in the
autumn of 1943 on liquidation of the ghetto. Some were sent to
Budzyn labour camp near
Between November 1941 and October 1942, a total of 35,442 Jews from
Reich and the
"Protectorate" were deported to Minsk. Only 10
Reich Jews were still alive in Minsk when the city was
liberated. Of the 999 Austrian Jews deported to Minsk ghetto, 3 are known to have survived. By the
middle of November 1941,
Einsatzgruppe B could report having carried out
a total of 45,467 executions.
20 November there was another major
Aktion in which a further 7,000 Jews
perished at
Forced Labour in Minsk * |
winter of 1941 - 1942 brought unbearable hardship for the residents of the
ghetto. Hunger, cold,
disease, working conditions and indiscriminate executions claimed countless further lives. Nor were
Jews the sole victims; on the night of
21 December, the bodies of several
thousand Soviet POWs
were laid out along a 6 km stretch of road near Minsk. Most had been deliberately frozen to death.
Another large scale
Aktion occurred on
2 March 1942, claiming at least
a further 5,000 victims.
It was timed to coincide with the Jewish festival of Purim, a story recounted in the Biblical book
of Esther. Amongst those killed in this
Aktion was a group of children from the
Shpalerna Street orphanage. They were taken to
Ratomskaya Street and thrown alive into a deep pit that had been dug
Kube arrived and threw handfuls of sweets to the terrified
children. All were killed. When the forced labourers returned to the ghetto that evening, they were
ordered to lie down in the snow. A selection was made. Some were taken to the pit in
Ratomskaya Street,
others to the
Dzerzhinsk (Koidanovo) forest. All those selected were shot.
Further smaller "actions" continued to occur throughout
April 1942.
At the
beginning of 1942,
Karl Gebl and
Erich Gnewuch delivered two gas vans to Minsk. Eventually there
were to be four such vehicles operating in the Minsk area.
Einsatzkommandos "7b", "8" and "9" each had its own
van. The fourth was probably stationed in Minsk itself. Murder of Jews in the gas vans commenced.
7-8 May 1942 a camp was opened at
Maly Trostinec,
12 km east of Minsk, solely for the purpose of extermination.
the head of the
Judenrat, who had co-operated with the underground, was betrayed in
February 1942, arrested and hanged.
Himmler wrote to
Gottlob Berger,
chief of the SS main office on
28 July 1942, "The Occupied Eastern Territories
are to become free of Jews."
On that same day, a major
Aktion commenced in Minsk, at the conclusion of which, four days later,
30,000 Jews had been slaughtered. The new
Judenrat chairman,
Moshe Yaffe,
was ordered to address the assembled Jews in
Yubileiny Square in order to
allay their
suspicions. At first he began to calm the frantic crowd, but when gas vans drove into the square,
he cried out, "Jews, the bloody murderers have deceived you -- flee for your lives!" Pandemonium
broke out.
Yaffe and the ghetto police chief were among the victims
of this
Aktion, as were 48 doctors, the leading specialists of Byelorussia. The
Judenrat ceased to exist.
On the last day of the
Aktion, a transport of about 1,000 Jews from
Terezin (Theresienstadt) arrived in Minsk and was diverted to
Baranovichi, where two gas vans were waiting to kill the deportees. By
1 August 1942 there were officially 8,794 people left alive in the ghetto.
Earlier there had been an intercession on behalf of the
Reich Jews from an unexpected quarter.
16 December 1941,
Kube wrote to
Whilst unconcerned about the fate of the Polish and Byelorussian Jews,
stated that the
Reich Jews included war veterans, holders of the Iron Cross, those wounded in war, half-Aryans,
and even three-quarter Aryans. Although
Kube claimed that he did
not lack hardness and was ready to contribute to the solution of the Jewish problem, people who come
from the same cultural circles as
Lohse and himself were different
from the brutish local hordes.
Kube’s letter had no effect on Nazi
procedures so far as the
Reich Jews were concerned.
31 July 1942,
wrote to
Lohse again. This time he boasted of having murdered 55,000 Jews
in Byelorussia in the preceding 10 weeks - including several thousand of the
Reich Jews he had been so
anxious to save a few months earlier. He went on to express his hope that the Jews of Byelorussia would be
completely liquidated as soon as the German
Wehrmacht no longer required their labour.
July 1943,
Kube accused
Eduard Strauch,
commander of the Security Police and SD in White Ruthenia, of a policy of sadistic barbarity following the
killing by
Strauch of 70 Jews, employed by
Kube’s charges and complaints
were clearly not motivated by humanitarian considerations; rather, he felt that these "actions" by the SS and
the police were being carried out over his head and therefore that they weakened his authority.
An indignant
Strauch submitted a long report to
Bach-Zalewski, enumerating
many failings: he had shaken hands with a Jew who had rescued his car from a burning garage; he had confessed
to appreciating the music of Mendelssohn and Offenbach, adding that "beyond a doubt there were artists among
the Jews;" he had promised safety to 5,000 German Jews deported to Minsk.
who was technically a subordinate of
Kube, recommended the dismissal
of the
Generalkommissar on the grounds that "deep down Kube is opposed to our actions against
the Jews."
Kube’s bizarre behaviour was brought to a conclusion before
any measures could be taken against him. On
22 September 1943 he was killed by
a bomb planted under his bed by his maid, a Soviet partisan.
Jews from Minsk Ghetto * |
Minsk Ghetto * |
The Jews of Minsk had formed a resistance movement as early as
August 1941, before
there was an
underground movement outside of the ghetto itself. The primary aims of the Jewish resistance were
aiding escapes to the surrounding forests to fight with the partisan groups yet to be formed and
the dissemination of news from the front. There were nearly 450 members of the underground, organized
into cells, of whom about one third were young people. With the continuing aid of the
Judenrat, who
provided clothing, shoes, hiding places and false documents, an estimated 10,000 Jews eventually fled
from the ghetto. Few survived. A well-known local doctor
Niuta Jurezkaya
escaped from the ghetto, but was brought back to Minsk and tortured. "Who was with you?" she was asked on
16 June 1943. "All of my people were with me," she replied, and was then shot.
Eventually, partisan units, both Jewish and non-Jewish, became active throughout White Ruthenia.
According to Nazi statistics, between the occupation of the city and
1 February 1943,
86,632 Jews
had been murdered in Minsk. There had been many SS and
Gestapo men who had perpetrated terrible crimes:
Richter, Hettenbach, Fichtel, Menschel, Wentske and others. Early
in February 1943, two previously unknown Germans appeared in the ghetto. Jews from the nearby town of
Slutzk recognized them as
Adolf Rübe
and his assistant and interpreter,
Michelson. Their appearance, said the
Jews, meant the
liquidation of the ghetto. Over the ensuing months,
Rübe together
Michelson, the new police chief
and his deputy,
Scherner, terrorised the ghetto. Shootings became so
commonplace that people were afraid to venture onto the streets. Orphaned children, the elderly and the
disabled were systematically annihilated. In May, with most Jewish doctors having been murdered, patients were
shot in their hospital beds. Little by little, the population of the ghetto shrank. By the
summer of 1943 there were between 6,000-8,000 Jews left in the ghetto.
POW Camp Shirokaya Street 1942 * |
18 September, the first of three or four transports were sent to
Sobibor. Amongst those on the
first transport was
Alexander Pechersky, a Soviet POW who was also Jewish.
He had been imprisoned in the camp on
Shirokaya Street, and was one of 80 men
selected for construction work
in Camp IV. Less than a month later, on
14 October 1943,
Pechersky and
Alexander Shubayev
Kalimali), a fellow POW, were to lead the uprising in
They were amongst those who escaped and survived the war. It has been estimated that at least 6,000 Jews from
Minsk perished in the gas chambers of
The final liquidation of the Minsk ghetto occurred on
21 October 1943. The remaining
2,000 Jews
were rounded up and killed at
Maly Trostinec. The Red Army liberated
Minsk on
3 July 1944. A handful of Jews who had been in hiding greeted their liberators.
Large numbers of indigenous collaborators were tried and convicted before tribunals of the Soviet
secret police, the NKVD and its successors for crimes committed in Minsk. Investigations began during
the closing months of the war, lasting well into the
1980ies. Surprisingly, even during
Stalin's day, only a minority of defendants received the death penalty;
most were sentenced to ten or twenty-five years in a labour camp. Many of these defendants benefited from
Khrushchev's amnesty.
Trials also took
place in West Germany; some defendants were acquitted, most received moderate sentences. The most
severe sentence handed down in a West German court was reserved for
Adolf Rübe, a member of the Criminal Police in Minsk, and the man
who had so terrorised the ghetto during its final months, who was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 15 years.
Rosenberg was condemned to death by the International Military Tribunal
Nürnberg and hanged.
was sentenced to ten years imprisonment,
but released because of ill health in
was implicated in the
20 July 1944 bomb plot to assassinate
and executed by the Nazis.
Bach-Zalewski was sentenced to life imprisonment in
Widmann received a sentence of 6 ½ years.
Rauff escaped to Chile and died there in
Lange was killed in action in
Strauch was condemned to death twice, by a US military tribunal and
by a Belgian court. The execution was stayed because of his insanity.
The population of Minsk in
2004 was in excess of 1.7 million. About 30,000
or slightly more than 1.7% were Jewish.
1) Hilberg, Raul.
The Destruction of the European Jews. Yale University Press, New Haven 2003
2) Gilbert, Martin.
The Holocaust. Collins, London 1986
3) Ehrenburg, Ilya and Grossman, Vasily ed.
The Black Book. Yad Vashem, New York, 1981
4) Arad, Yitzhak.
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka - The Operation Reinhard Death Camps.
Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1987
5) Kogon, Eugen; Langbein, Hermann and Rückerl, Adalbert ed.
Nazi Mass Murder - A Documentary History
of the Use of Poison Gas. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1993
6) Arad, Yitzhak; Gutman, Israel and Margaliot, Abraham ed.
Documents On The Holocaust.
Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1999
The Einsatzgruppen Case - United States v Otto Ohlendorf et al - Nuremberg, 1947
8) Gutman, Israel ed.
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1990
9) Epstein, Eric Joseph and Rosen, Philip.
Dictionary of the Holocaust. Greenwood Press,
Westport Connecticut, 1997
10) Poliakov, Leon.
Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe.
Syracuse University Press, 1956.
11) Gilbert, Martin.
Atlas of the Holocaust. William Morrow and Company Inc, New York, 1993
12) Buscher, Frank.
Investigating Nazi Crimes in Byelorussia: Challenges and Lessons.
13) Klee, Ernst; Dreßen, Willi and Riess, Volker.
The Good Old Days - The Holocaust as Seen
by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Konecky & Konecky, New York, 1991
Trostenez - Das Vernichtungslager bei Minsk
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